2020-02-03   Estimation of the Number of Girls at Risk of Female Genital Mutilation in the EU (European Institute for Gender Equality)
This tender is announced with a view to select the best proposal for the implementation of the study ‘Estimation of the number of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in the EU’. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: ICF SA
2013-09-27   Collection of information and provision of research-related services (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The contractor is expected to: — identify gaps in data collection on topics as requested, — collect and map information and data on specified areas, including legislation, policies, actors, practices, trends, problems, — collect data, information, and in-depth views from competent authorities (governmental officials, institutions, services, etc.), civil society actors (activists, support providers, community and religious leaders), and individuals, through detailed interviews, — collect theoretical … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Aleg Amazone asbl — Resource centre of... Büro für nachhaltige Kompetenz BNK GmbH Centre for Equality Advancement CESIS Emprou sàrl Estonian Human Rights Centre GHK Consulting Limited (ICF Consulting... Istituto per la ricerca sociale (IRS) Milieu Ltd Notus OQ Consulting OQ Consulting BV Oxford Research A/S Praxis Centre for Policy Studies Progress Consulting S.r.l. Regina Webhofer Sogeti S.A. Weave Consulting Yellow Window
2012-08-28   Review of the institutional capacity and effective methods, tools and good practices for mainstreaming gender... (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The objective of the study is to gather information and evidence for strengthening the mainstreaming of gender equality into selected European Union policies and the resulting national policies. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
2012-08-02   Animation — online discussions within EuroGender (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The subject of the contract is ensuring animation of EuroGender — the European network on gender equality, more specifically to ensure professional facilitation of a series of 8 online discussions within EuroGender on topics related to EIGE's focal areas and activities. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Cultura Lavoro Srl
2012-06-22   Study on area H of the Beijing Platform for Action — institutional mechanisms (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The aim of the study is to produce a report with background information and data on the current stage of implementation of the strategic objectives formulated in area H of the BPfA: institutional mechanisms, with a focus on national machineries and other bodies on gender equality, gender mainstreaming and collection and dissemination of sex-disaggregated data and information. The study will cover all 27 EU Member States and Croatia. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Aletta E-Quality
2012-04-27   Mapping the current status and potential of administrative sources of data on gender-based violence in the EU and Croatia (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The study to be carried out under this contract will focus on administrative sources containing information and data on gender-based violence, with a special emphasis on: — current status of research and legislative and policy framework on administrative data collection of gender-based violence at international and EU levels and for the 27 EU Member States and Croatia, — existing administrative sources — and statistical products from these sources — containing information and data on gender-based … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Matrix Insight Limited
2012-04-24   Collection of methods, tools and good practices in the field of women and the media (as described by area J of the... (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The study to be carried out under this contract will focus on the collection and dissemination of methods, tools and good practices in the field of women and the media (as described by area J of the Beijing Platform for Action), in EU Member States and Croatia. In particular, the study will take into account the existing tools and methods designed and implemented with the purpose of: — monitoring the participation and access of women to expression in the media, — monitoring of participation and access of … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
2012-03-06   Study on area J of the Beijing Platform for Action: women and media in the European Union (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The study to be carried out under this contract will focus on women's participation and access to expression and decision-making in media, with a special emphasis on women's presence in the decision-making bodies within media companies, the extent to which media companies have developed codes of conduct and other forms of self-regulation to obviate discrimination on the grounds of sex; monitoring of women's and men's presence in media content (excluding films and commercials). Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: The University of Liverpool
2011-09-09   Collection of methods, tools and good practices in the field of domestic violence (as described by area D of the... (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The objective of this tender is to indentify a contractor who will carry out a project on training, awareness raising and victim support tools, methods and good practices in the area of prevention of domestic violence in the European Union. It aims to develop a better knowledge on tools, methods and good practices, collected across the EU-27 and Croatia, to make available to users practical information related to tools, methods and good practices as well as to foster the exchange of good practices in … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale
2011-09-02   Study on area D of the Beijing Platform for Action: violence against women in the European Union (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The study to be carried out under this contract will focus on domestic violence against women, with a special emphasis on different types of support services for women victims of domestic violence in all EU Member States and Croatia. The study shall focus on collection of data and assessing the range, extent, number, actual use and quality of support services for women victims of domestic violence in Member States and Croatia. The study shall also provide a background overview of existing data and … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Austrian Women's Shelter Network/WAVE...
2011-07-28   Study on mapping current situation and trends of female genital mutilation (FGM) (European Institute for Gender Equality)
This study will focus on assessing the current situation in relation to female genital mutilation (FGM), including current policies and policy developments, analysis of available data and data gaps and will indicate major trends on FGM in the European Union and Croatia. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Universiteit Gent
2011-04-06   Tyrimų paslaugų (jaunimo problematikos tyrimų savivaldybėse ir jaunimo problematikos tyrimų rezultatų palyginamosios... (Jaunimo reikalų departamentas prie Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos (188681478))
Jaunimo reikalų departamentas prie Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos, vykdydamas projektą „Integruotos jaunimo politikos plėtra“, projekto Nr. VP1-4.1-VRM-07-V-01-002, finansuojamą Europos Socialinio fondo ir Lietuvos Respublikos Valstybės biudžeto lėšomis numato įsigyti tyrimų paslaugas: jaunimo problematikos tyrimų atlikimą savivaldybėse ir ilgalaikės jaunimo problematikos tyrimų koncepcijos įgyvendinimą, atliekant jaunimo problematikos tyrimų rezultatų palyginamąją analizę. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Jolita Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė UAB "Spinter tyrimai" (Jungtinė ūkio...
2011-02-22   Tyrimo paslaugų: jaunimo politikos įgyvendinimo savivaldybėse kokybės vertinimų atlikimo pirkimas (Jaunimo reikalų departamentas prie Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos (188681478))
Jaunimo reikalų departamentas prie Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos (toliau vadinama – Perkančioji organizacija), vykdydamas projektą „Integruotos jaunimo politikos plėtra“, projekto Nr. VP1-4.1-VRM-07-V-01-002, finansuojamą Europos Socialinio fondo ir Lietuvos Respublikos Valstybės biudžeto lėšomis, numato įsigyti tyrimo paslaugas: jaunimo politikos įgyvendinimo savivaldybėse kokybės vertinimų atlikimą. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Viešoji įstaiga viešosios politikos ir...
2011-02-18   Study on the Area K of the Beijing Platform for Action: women and the environment in the European Union (European Institute for Gender Equality)
This study will focus on gender equality and climate change with a special emphasis on the gender balance in decision making and education in areas related to climate change in all Member States and at EU level. The study is to contribute to the implementation of the annual and mid-term work programme of the Institute, in particular, to provide support to the upcoming presidency countries in the framework of work with the Beijing indicators. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Milieu Limited
2011-02-17   Informavimo ir viešinimo paslaugų pirkimas (Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio ministerija (188675190))
Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio ministerija numato įsigyti informavimo ir viešinimo paslaugas, t.y.: 1. informacijos sklaidos paslaugas Nacionalinėje ir regioninėje televizijoje, radijuje, spaudoje ir internete; 2. integruotų komunikacijų paslaugas; 3. renginių organizavimo ir viešinimo paslaugas. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: UAB "Idea prima" Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė "Antikos... Viešoji įstaiga "Vizualinių komunikacijų...