Tiekėjas: GHK Consulting Limited (ICF Consulting Services Ltd)

Vienas archyvuotas viešasis pirkimas

Naujausi viešieji pirkimai, kuriuose minimas tiekėjas GHK Consulting Limited (ICF Consulting Services Ltd)

2013-09-27   Collection of information and provision of research-related services (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The contractor is expected to: — identify gaps in data collection on topics as requested, — collect and map information and data on specified areas, including legislation, policies, actors, practices, trends, problems, — collect data, information, and in-depth views from competent authorities (governmental officials, institutions, services, etc.), civil society actors (activists, support providers, community and religious leaders), and individuals, through detailed interviews, — collect theoretical … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Aleg Amazone asbl — Resource centre of... Büro für nachhaltige Kompetenz BNK GmbH Centre for Equality Advancement CESIS Emprou sàrl Estonian Human Rights Centre GHK Consulting Limited (ICF Consulting... Istituto per la ricerca sociale (IRS) Milieu Ltd Notus OQ Consulting OQ Consulting BV Oxford Research A/S Praxis Centre for Policy Studies Progress Consulting S.r.l. Regina Webhofer Sogeti S.A. Weave Consulting Yellow Window