Tiekėjas: INRCA (Istituto Nazionale Di Ricovero E Curia Per Anziani)

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2021-07-21   Survey of Gender Gaps in Unpaid Care, Individual and Social Activities (European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE))
Overall objective The overall objective of the study is to fill in data gaps in the EU policy priority area by collecting EU wide survey data on gender gaps in unpaid care, individual and social activities. Specific objective(s) The specific objective(s) are: Specific objective 1: to improve the capacity of the Gender Equality Index to capture changes in the domain of Time in a more conceptually sound, coherent and regular way. Specific objective 2: to support the monitoring of the EU Gender Equality … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Eurocarers – Association Européenne... European Centre for Social Welfare Policy... INRCA (Istituto Nazionale Di Ricovero E... IPSOS GmbH