Tiekėjas: Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale

3 archyvuoti viešieji pirkimai

Naujausi viešieji pirkimai, kuriuose minimas tiekėjas Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale

2015-07-09   Collection of good practices on administrative data collection on violence against women (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The study will analyse and collect approaches and practices in Member States related to data collection on violence against women from administrative data sources from different sectors: police, justice, health, social services and other systems (ministries of gender equality of employment, ombudsperson, civil society organisations, etc.). Concern will be addressed towards methodologies to collect data and to integrate and connect the different sources and the different actors involved in the collection … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale
2013-03-07   Study on area F of the Beijing Platform for Action — 'Women and the economy' (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The study to be carried out under this contract shall focus on part-time employment, full-time equivalent employment rate, different types of contracts, self-employment and female entrepreneurship in the EU Member States and Croatia. Following the objective F1 of the critical area F of the BPfA, the aforementioned areas will be addressed from the perspective of women's economic independence. The study will consist of 3 parts: part A of the study will provide a background overview of the area 'Women and … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale
2011-09-09   Collection of methods, tools and good practices in the field of domestic violence (as described by area D of the... (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The objective of this tender is to indentify a contractor who will carry out a project on training, awareness raising and victim support tools, methods and good practices in the area of prevention of domestic violence in the European Union. It aims to develop a better knowledge on tools, methods and good practices, collected across the EU-27 and Croatia, to make available to users practical information related to tools, methods and good practices as well as to foster the exchange of good practices in … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale