Tiekėjas: LDK Consultants Engineers and Planners SA

Vienas archyvuotas viešasis pirkimas

Istoriškai konkuruojantys konkurso dalyviai buvo Adria Congrex srl ir Media Consulta Event GmbH.

Naujausi viešieji pirkimai, kuriuose minimas tiekėjas LDK Consultants Engineers and Planners SA

2011-03-25   Framework contract for the provision of services on organisation of events and technical meetings (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The scope of this procedure is to award 3 framework contracts with reopening competition with conference and events organisers. They will support EIGE in planning and executing the events primarily in EU-27, but also in EU accession countries, and by providing a broad range of communication activities targeting different audiences and using various communication channels and tools. Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: Adria Congrex srl LDK Consultants Engineers and Planners SA Media Consulta Event GmbH