Tiekėjas: PPMI (Public Policy and Management Institute)

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Naujausi viešieji pirkimai, kuriuose minimas tiekėjas PPMI (Public Policy and Management Institute)

2014-03-21   External evaluation of the European Institute for Gender Equality (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The evaluation shall assess the impact of the Institute on the promotion of gender equality and shall include an analysis of the synergy effects. It shall address the possible need to modify or extend the tasks of the Institute, including the financial implications of any modification or extension of the tasks. Such evaluation shall also examine the appropriateness of the management structure in carrying out the Institute's tasks. The evaluation shall take into account the views of the stakeholders, at … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: PPMI (Public Policy and Management Institute)