Tiekėjas: UAB Inservis

4 archyvuoti viešieji pirkimai

Naujausi viešieji pirkimai, kuriuose minimas tiekėjas UAB Inservis

2019-12-23   Provision of Office Cleaning Services for the Europe House in Vilnius (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The main objective of this procedure is to conclude a framework contract with a professional company capable of providing services related to cleaning the premises and removing waste material from them at the EU house in Vilnius, jointly occupied by the European Institutions: — the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)/Leading Contracting Authority, — the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO), — the Representation of the European Commission (ECR). Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: INSERVIS, Ltd liability company UAB Inservis
2015-09-30   Framework contract — provision of office cleaning services for the EU House in Vilnius (European Institute for Gender Equality)
The main services required under this contract relate to the work of cleaning in the premises of the EU House in Vilnius and removing waste materials from them: — clean the EU House premises during its working days and, upon request, on working days outside the contract schedule, weekends and the EU institutions' public holidays (differs for each EU institution), — supply and distribute all consumable supplies (including toiletry and kitchenette supplies) (e.g. toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap, … Peržiūrėti viešuosius pirkimus »
Minėti tiekėjai: UAB Inservis